Join us on the 17th November 2020 for our SusAn virtual Project Seminar. Discover the latest results of SusAn Cofunded projects. From mid-2017 onwards, 14 research consortia started their work to achieve new insights for the field of sustainable animal production.
The main purpose of the virtual Project Seminar is to discuss the projects’ main fields of work: Improve the productivity, resilience and competitiveness of European Animal Production, Improve and manage resource use to reduce waste and enhance the environmental sustainability of European Animal Production and Improve on-farm practices to enhance consumer acceptability and address societal challenges associated with animal welfare, product quality and safety, biodiversity and provision of ecosystem services.
On the 18th November 2020, we invite for the virtual Kick-off Seminar of the research projects from the Joint call 2018, of the three ERA-NETs SusAn, FACCE ERA-GAS and ICT-AGRI 2.
During the last year eight research consortia started their project within this call on “Novel technologies, solutions and systems to reduce the greenhouse gas emissions of animal production systems”. The main purpose of this meeting is for the project consortia to provide insight of their ongoing research.
The virtual Project Seminar and Kick-off Seminar is an unique opportunity for the partners of SusAn, FACCE ERA-GAS and ICT-AGRI 2, researchers, stakeholders, funders and the public to discuss the projects’ main fields of work. We would very much appreciate your active participation in both events.
Registered participants will receive the final programme and a link to access the meeting by Monday 16th
November 2020.