Search results for Systems thinking

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News | 26/09/2022

The farming profession? Many options for the future.

...ent farming types appears to have no ambition to predict the real future. Fleur Marchand (expert on systems thinking at ILVO): "The types create a handle for future dialogue. They point to the grea...

News | 13/05/2022

MSCA individual fellowship hosting offers for 2022 call

...nt management decisions have been made to orientate the research at ILVO in a holistic framework of systems thinking as well as to combine ILVO's tacit knowledge with new technological approaches l...

News | 21/04/2021

MSCA individual fellowship hosting offers for 2021 call

...nt management decisions have been made to orientate the research at ILVO in a holistic framework of systems thinking as well as to combine ILVO's tacit knowledge with new technological approaches l...

News | 09/04/2021

Levers for scaling organic and sustainable food systems

...tems is a major societal challenge. The European FOODLEVERS, with ILVO as 1 of the 8 partners, uses systems thinking to investigate the potential leverage in food systems. This focuses on products,...

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