Search results for Egg

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Boxwood moth

...lly in southwestern Germany. This most likely happened through wooden packaging material containing eggs or caterpillars. The boxwood moth reached our country in 2010 and in a short period of time ...



...sential amino acids in the right proportions – just like animal proteins such as milk and eggs. It also contains a high content of minerals, vitamins, dietary fibers, and flavonoids. Sustainabl...


Protein diversification in food and nutrition

...ply because it tastes good.For conventional animal protein sources such as dairy, meat, fish or eggs, we rely on age-old nutritional wisdom and many decades of study. Alternative protein source...


Food: Food safety

...e food Food-related outbreaks, crises and/or scandals in the past - with the fipronil crisis in eggs as the freshest in Belgian memory - repeatedly underscore the need to permanently guarantee ...


Klimaatmitigatie en klimaatadaptatie

... klimaatverandering tegen te gaan noemen we ‘klimaatmitigatie’. Concreet wil dat zeggen dat we de uitstoot van broeikasgassen moeten reduceren, en zo de concentratie van die broeikasgassen in de at...


Klimaatmitigatie en klimaatadaptatie

... klimaatverandering tegen te gaan noemen we ‘klimaatmitigatie’. Concreet wil dat zeggen dat we de uitstoot van broeikasgassen moeten reduceren, en zo de concentratie van die broeikasgassen in de at...

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