Research project Innovative high-value cosmetic products from plants and plant cells

General introduction
This project targets scientifically validated, safe plant-based cosmetic ingredients, and the development of sustainable production systems for them. The 4-year Horizon2020 project, with 17 partners from 11 European countries, is called InnCoCells (in full: Innovative high-quality cosmetic products from plants and plant cells). In Flanders, ILVO, VIB and AddEssens are the research partners.
Research approach
The researchers first search for promising, active plant components. These are developed into producible ingredients for cosmetic products that have both proven qualities and an acceptable environmental impact. We are guided by stakeholders (producers and consumers) to ensure that the new cosmetic ingredients are truly suitable for the market.
INNCOCELLS promotes the transition envisioned by Europe to a sustainable, circular and bio-based economy of the future. Specific focus is on biorefinery of plant biomass with maximum added value creation as a goal, striving for a zero-waste story.