Research project Accelerate implementation of agroforestry in Flanders and the Netherlands

In progress CAMBIUM

CAMBIUM: agroforestry - integrated

cows agroforestry

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General introduction

CAMBIUM aims to promote and accelerate the profitable implementation of agroforestry in Flanders and the Netherlands by increasing support for (and professionalization of) advice and knowledge sharing. Connecting actors with the multidisciplinary knowledge on agroforestry into a widely applicable and integrated guidance tool is essential to continue facilitating the implementation of agroforestry across borders.

Research approach

Methodolodgy includes (1) drawing up an ‘integral guidance package on agroforestry’, (2) setting up and implementing training of professional agroforestry advisers who then support the conversion to agroforestry on existing farms, (3) implementation of top demonstration projects, and more sub-goals that stimulate the scale-up of agroforestry.


An agricultural practice such as agroforestry, which contributes more strongly to biodiversity and a resilient soil and water system is desirable in light of climate change. However, the added value of agroforestry is not yet sufficiently embraced due to the lack of (1) research results in local contexts, (2) agro-ecological education at various levels, (3) a change in mentality among farmers and consumers, (4) a clear and stimulating legislative framework, and (5) economic added value. CAMBIUM aims to resolve these bottlenecks.


Interreg Vlaanderen Nederland