General ILVO builds climate-neutral and energy-flexible stable for poultry research in Merelbeke



ILVO is planning the construction of a new experimental chicken house for poultry research.

Besides the usual requirements for this accommodation, ILVO also wishes to build this stable in a climate neutral and energy flexible way. ILVO, as an entity of the Flemish Government, needs to reduce its CO2 emissions and energy consumption.

The stable serves both as

  • research chicken house and
  • demo animal housing as an inspiration and practical example for the poultry sector.

Timing and procedure.

July 3, 2023
: candidate contractors must submit the application for participation in the public contract via e-tendering by July 3 at 10 a.m. at the latest.

June 2023
: ILVO starts the public procurement procedure.

Within the project "Energy-flexible and climate-neutral poultry house", on June 2, 2023, ILVO launched the tender for the design and construction of the air conditioning and an air washer for an energy-flexible and climate-neutral poultry house.

The contract is through a competitive procedure with negotiation and is a works contract. Each request for participation must be submitted via e-tendering no later than July 3, 2023 at 10 am.

On June 15, 2023 at 3 p.m. ILVO is organizing an information session for prospective contractors. During this information session you will receive the necessary information about the subject and timing of the contract and the placement procedure used.

More info on this public contract:

March 23
: The permit for this new poultry house was granted by the Province of East Flanders on March 24, 2023.

Contact ILVO: Energy coordinator Gerlinde Vogeleer