Event GEANS Final Event webinar - Improving marine environmental monitoring through application of DNA-based methods
GEANS strived to harmonise DNA-based tools for routine monitoring programs conducted in support of policy and decision making concerning marine ecosystem health. Are you interested in how DNA-based tools could further improve marine environmental monitoring and how they could complement traditional morphology based methods?
During this GEANS lunch webinar (June 27th, 12:30-14:00 CET), the main findings of the pilot studies conducted around the North Sea, using both bulk and eDNA, will be presented with focus on recommendations and considerations for implementation. Next, products and main outputs delivered during the project will be shown and we will conclude with next steps to take for incorporating DNA-based methods in environmental monitoring and presenting two newly started Horizon Europe projects.
12:30 – 12:35: Welcome
12:35 – 12:55: GEANS pilots- Main findings and recommendations for using DNA-based methods in marine environmental monitoring - Sofie Derycke (ILVO)
12:55 – 13:10: GEANS products helping to improve molecular marine environmental monitoring in the North Sea region – Reindert Nijland (WUR)/Magdalini Christodoulou (Senckenberg/OOELKG)
13:10 – 13:30: Next steps towards implementation of DNA-based methods - Annelies De Backer (ILVO), including pitch presentations on Horizon Europe projects MARCO-BOLO- Matthias Obst (SeAnalytics) and OBAMA-NEXT - Peter Stæhr (Aarhus University)
13:30 – 13:45: Q&A
Contact: annelies.debacker@ilvo.vlaanderen.be