Search results for Spray technology

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Horticulture & ornamental cultivation

...eference labs for plant pests and pathogens: the Diagnostic Centre for PlantsAn accredited lab for spray technology All of the ILVO expertise centers at your service ILVO works in an interdisci...


Arable farming

...ic Centre for Plants An accredited lab for soil, substrate and plant analysesAn accredited lab for spray technologyAll ILVO expertises at your service ILVO works in an interdisciplinary fashion...


Technology, machine, and stable construction

...n agroecology trial platform> 15,000 m² trial greenhousesAn accredited lab for spray technologyPilot plant for food processing on a semi-industrial scale: Food PilotAccess to working farms, rese...


Feed Production

...tic Centre for PlantsAn accredited lab for soil, substrate and plant analysesAn accredited lab for spray technologyAll ILVO expertises at your service ILVO works in an interdisciplinary fashion...

Standard pages

Research infrastructure

...s, insects, viruses and nematodesAnalyses for plant, soil and substrateLaboratory for Seed TestingSpray technology National Reference Laboratory (NRL) GMOAllergensToxins and residues of veterin...

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