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News | 24/01/2024

Fisheries make great strides in innovation and sustainability

In recent years, the Belgian fishing industry has made great strides toward more innovative and sustainable fishing. For example, 38 of the 59 active Belgian vessels are already equipped with the data...

Linked Sectors: Fishing industry

News | 18/09/2023

Fisheries data and the state of our fish stocks

How healthy are 'our' fish stocks in 2023? What is sustainable and where do we stand? First the good news. Overfishing in the Atlantic region is declining. This is confirmed by the 2022 report...

Linked Sectors: Fishing industry

News | 13/04/2023

After Brexit, a different future for Flanders fisheries

© Vince Bevan | GIFS Interreg project ILVO and VLIZ, together with local actors in Flanders fisheries, are entering into a close collaboration in the framework of the 'Brexit Adjustment Reserve' ...

Linked Sectors: Fishing industry

News | 25/03/2022

Fisheries Impact Assessment Albania

This report assesses the environmental impact of the Albanian fishing fleet, which is evaluated with regard to biodiversity, status of commercial stocks, bottom impact, pollution and marine litter. Th...

Fisheries Impact Assessment Albania - ILVO mededeling 283

News | 24/08/2021

Ray, Fish of the Year 2021

... of the Sea (ICES): VLAM GeoFish 2021, ILVO

Linked Sectors: Fishing industry

News | 19/07/2021

Sport fishing for science

The EFMZV-FIVA project Sea(A)Bass is aimed at optimizing the management of sea bass, a fish species that has been struggling for years. ILVO has been tagging sea bass since 2006, and uses the data on ...

Linked Sectors: Fishing industry

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