Search results for Residual flows

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Role of animal production in society

...eight and (un)certainty. When based on correct data, simulations and dialogues go more smoothly.Residual flows and loops In the context of circular agriculture, ILVO is investigating whethe...


Protein diversification

...elopment of local chains. We also have a lot of expertise on stabilizing, processing and valorizing residual flows and will thoroughly investigate their potential for legumes. What about anima...


Profitable and resilient food systems

...ok at circularity at different levels, from products and materials over raw materials and energy to residual flows. We develop and evaluate technologies that can be useful in the circular economy a...


Bioeconomy and closed loops

...or the cause. In the bioeconomy, fossil-based raw materials are replaced by renewable ones, such as residual flows and by-products from agriculture, horticulture, fisheries, aquaculture and the foo...

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