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..., the food industry, retail, etc. – the researchers hope to promote the development of local supply, packaging, sorting, processing, and marketing chains. Profitable cultivation? Before qui...


Short chain the short chain, ILVO also conducts research into numerous other business models and hopes to ensure livelihood security and a stable income for farmers and growers. What is meant by innovat...



.... Culture shift about desealing The findings are tested in various consultations and workshops with farmers, experts and policy makers. This will allow a supported approach to spatial softe...


Animal welfare

...o more prospects due to illness or weakness, they should be killed as humanely as possible to avoid hopeless and needlessly long suffering. But how do you do that best? The European Regulation 1099...


Authenticity of food products

... Which expertises does ILVO offer? Variety- and species authenticity in plant crops (grass, hop) In addition to morphological determination, ILVO has DNA-based techniques to distinguish...


Protein diversification in food and nutrition

...proteins, there are other alternative sources of protein. For example, certain insects such as grasshoppers, crickets and mealworms can be a rich source of protein, or (micro)algae. But microbial p...

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