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Business models

Business models for profitable and resilient food systems What is a business model? A business model describes how a business makes money. It is a structured representation of the various fa...


Food: balanced and healthy

...on, food security, sustainability, pricing, marketing, cultural habits, business models, economic profitability, and so on. These are but a few of the many aspects that also require attention withi...


Short chain

Answers on this page: What is the short chain?Kan the short chain become a profitable business model in the long term?What is meant by ‘innovative multi-actor partnerships’?Structural collaboratio...


Soil health

...on healthy soils and providing ecosystem services such as carbon storage and water storage can be a business model for the farmer. > Also read these dossiers: ErosionSoil improvement wit...



...ow do you manage them? What is the best way to coordinate the various production elements? And what business models exist for agroforestry?

ILVO studies the attitude towards agroforestry, chain development and business models for various forms of agroforestry.

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