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News | 16/01/2024

ILVO fodder beet and maize variety list 2024

Silage maize Silage maize is the main source of energy in the ration on many dairy farms. Cultivation efficiency begins with good variety selection. In doing so, pay attention to the following cha...

News | 30/01/2020

Maize crop residues crucial for carbon in the soil

...(the roots of crops) in the build-up of stable carbon (C) in the soil. The focus was on grain and silage maize, an important crop for Flanders. The researcher unravelled and compared the decomposit...

News | 21/12/2022

ILVO variety lists fodder beet and maize 2023

...ause major yield losses. The ILVO variety list shows the tolerance to Rhizoctonia for each variety. Silage maize Silage maize is one of the most important forage crops in Belgium with an area o...

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