ILVO aims to share its research results as widely as possible within the agri-food sector and in society. Here you can find press releases, project news, videos, podcasts and publications published by ILVO, as well as articles and reports that have appeared in the media.
Every year, several million cubic meters of sand are extracted from the North Sea for coastal protection and as a raw material for the construction industry. Good monitoring of the impact of these act...
For example, 38 of Belgium's 59 active vessels are already equipped with the data platform VISTools, providing real-time information on fish catches and fuel consumption.
In the framework of the Belgian measures program of the Marine Strategy Framework Directive, the Belgian Government is submitting a proposal with 3 new management areas where bottom disturbing fishery...
ILVO and VLIZ, together with local actors in Flanders fisheries, are entering into a close collaboration in the framework of the 'Brexit Adjustment Reserve' (BAR)