Search results for Soy

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Soy is hot. This crop is regularly used in animal feed in Flanders and consumers are also increasingly looking for protein alternatives in the form of soy drinks, puddings, and burgers. But the impact...


Soil health

...s under controlRecycling organic matter into plant nutrientsAssociating with plant roots (e.g. with soy)Improving soil structure with positive effects on aerationRetaining water and nutrientsBetter...


Algae: seaweed and microalgae

...> Microalgae Right in protein: from 25 to 60% of the dried product.Just as fish, dairy, egg and soy, they contain all the essential amino acids that people need, in sufficient amounts. Sometime...


Protein diversification in food and nutrition

Study of the feasibility of growing and breeding protein crops such as soy, quinoa, lupin, peas, beans and lentils in Flanders

Linked Research projects: Towards a sustainable and profitable soybean cultivation in Flanders

Research projects

Soy free chicken and pig production

General introductionTo reduce soy use in animal feed, DEMOSOJAVRIJ raises the question to what extent and which alternative European protein sources can be used as raw materials for pig and poultr...

Research projects

Optimal cultivation of protein crops for poultry feeding

... locally grown mixed crop, the laying hens or broilers perform just as well as if they had been fed soy in their ration. That is one of the results of OPTIPLUIM. The research question was: How can ...

Research projects

Breeding European Legumes for Increased Sustainability

...tem services. BELIS involves a total of 34 partners. ILVO is particularly active for red clover and soybean.Research approachWe develop tools and methodologies for cost-effective breeding p...


Food and Health

...ion has been paid to niche crops such as quinoa, and alternative sources of protein such as soy, insects and algae. ILVO supports that process with research into cultivation and breeding techniques...


Protein diversification

...r> Today, Flanders and Europe are heavily dependent on the import of vegetable proteins, especially soy from overseas. However, local production of legumes, such as soybean, chickpea, dry pea and b...


Profitable and resilient food systems

...rsification at different levels. We focus, among other things, on new cultivars, new crops (such as soy and quinoa), new cultivation systems (such as agroforestry), new products and processes, new ...

Standard pages

Food-related analyses (+32 9 272 28 41)Food allergensILVO can detect food allergens of vegetable (e.g. soy, nuts, mustard, etc.) and animal origin (e.g. milk, eggs, fish & shellfish, etc.) in all kinds...

Standard pages

Allergen analyses

Contact: Isabel Taverniers ILVO can detect food allergens of vegetable origin (soy, nuts, mustard, etc.) and animal origin (milk, eggs, fish and shellfish) in a variety of samples, a PCR based met...

Standard pages

ILVO crop information sheets

ChicoryDry beansEdamameCalendula 2020 / 2017Chickpea(Grass)/CloverLentilsAlfalfaMiscanthusOil pumpkinRussian dandelionSoy 2020 / 2017Sorghum(grain) (fodder)Quinoa 2020 / 2017Field beanFlax

Demo Vision Inspection

...the use of hyper- and multispectral cameras for sorting beans and estimating the composition of soybeans. Webinar: “AI in Agri-food” In this webinar we talked about the application of Artificial In...

Koemelk uit gras duurzamer dan sojadrank

...tsoen krijgen zonder soja. Zie voor meer informatie de publicatie Strategies to reduce reliance on soya bean meal and palm kernel meal in livestock nutrition. bron: Journal of Applied Animal Nutrit...

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