Soy is hot. This crop is regularly used in animal feed in Flanders and consumers are also increasingly looking for protein alternatives in the form of soy drinks, puddings, and burgers. But the impact...
Soy is hot. This crop is regularly used in animal feed in Flanders and consumers are also increasingly looking for protein alternatives in the form of soy drinks, puddings, and burgers. But the impact...
...s under controlRecycling organic matter into plant nutrientsAssociating with plant roots (e.g. with soy)Improving soil structure with positive effects on aerationRetaining water and nutrientsBetter...
...> Microalgae Right in protein: from 25 to 60% of the dried product.Just as fish, dairy, egg and soy, they contain all the essential amino acids that people need, in sufficient amounts. Sometime...
Study of the feasibility of growing and breeding protein crops such as soy, quinoa, lupin, peas, beans and lentils in Flanders
Linked Research projects: Towards a sustainable and profitable soybean cultivation in Flanders
Is it possible to introduce soybean production in Flanders in an economical and sustainable way?
Starting up the local cultivation and processing of sustainable organic soy for food presents a major challenge for Flanders.
The aim of this Grand Challenge project is to engage at least 1000 citizens and their gardens to help acquire native rhizobia from Flemish soils that are able to efficiently nodulate soybean.
General introductionTo reduce soy use in animal feed, DEMOSOJAVRIJ raises the question to what extent and which alternative European protein sources can be used as raw materials for pig and poultr...
...medium and high yielding organic dairy farms more autonomous and become stepwise independent(er) of soy, without increasing (ideally even decreasing) methane emissions, and with the condition that ...
First succes Colembie harvested an acre of organic soy for the first time this year, with a yield around 2.5 tons of soybeans. The soy is then processed by La vie est belle into two soy burgers an...
3 new soybean varieties have been accepted on the Belgian variety list. Pro Helicon, Pro Jacinto and Pro Vesuvio score excellently in terms of yield and protein content. This proves that Protealis' br...
Quinoa, soy, chickpea and dry beans, all intended for the human food chain, are hardly grown in our region at present, if at all, but they represent promising new agricultural crops in ILVO's cultivat...
...t ILVO and VIB are working together and combining expertise to realize innovative breakthroughs for soybean cultivation, an important aspect for our sustainable protein transition. In addition, it ...
...fended his doctoral research: 'Development of a turgor-driven functional-structural plant model for soybean' (2019/03/19). Promotors are Prof. Dr. ir. Kathy Steppe of Ghent University’s Faculty of ...
... locally grown mixed crop, the laying hens or broilers perform just as well as if they had been fed soy in their ration. That is one of the results of OPTIPLUIM. The research question was: How can ...
...or crop monitoring and high throughput phenotyping under field conditions. Studied crops are wheat, soybean, quinoa, rice and maize. We identify resilient genotypes and molecular markers linked wit... proteins from underutilized residual streams. The current origin of the proteins in question is soy, grains or potatoes. In other words, they are often either imported and/or less ecologically ...
...ave a higher protein content, which may mean that less protein-rich supplementary feed (such as soybean meal) will need to be purchased.FinancingVLAIO
...e crop rotation of Flemish arable and vegetable farms. Unlike other leguminous crops such as pea or soybean, there are several cuts per year, and thus the total biomass produced is considerable, up...
...l focus on methionine and vitamin B2.Research approachIn the study, ILVO replaced 5% of the soybean meal with insect meal, supplemented with potato protein, in a test feed for laying hens. ...
Lectures by a variety of experts on the introduction of soy as an innovative crop and food ingredient in Flanders; Panel discussion: what lessons can we learn for other new crops?; Network lunch; (opt...
To what extent are field beans a valuable and viable protein provider and soy substitute in dairy cattle rations?
General introductionEUCLEG is an EU Horizon2020 project, in which breeding strategies for soybean, pea, faba bean, red clover and alfalfa are developed in collaboration with 37 research institutes...
...tem services. BELIS involves a total of 34 partners. ILVO is particularly active for red clover and soybean.Research approachWe develop tools and methodologies for cost-effective breeding p...
General introductionDairy farmers who grow their own protein crops know that toasting (soy)beans results in remarkably higher feed efficiency. This project investigates how this toasting process c...
Flemish soil bacteria for Flemish soybeans Soybeans are one of the most important sources of vegetable protein, but are still mostly imported from South America. To make soybean cultivation profit...
...ion has been paid to niche crops such as quinoa, and alternative sources of protein such as soy, insects and algae. ILVO supports that process with research into cultivation and breeding techniques...
...r> Today, Flanders and Europe are heavily dependent on the import of vegetable proteins, especially soy from overseas. However, local production of legumes, such as soybean, chickpea, dry pea and b...
...rsification at different levels. We focus, among other things, on new cultivars, new crops (such as soy and quinoa), new cultivation systems (such as agroforestry), new products and processes, new ... (+32 9 272 28 41)Food allergensILVO can detect food allergens of vegetable (e.g. soy, nuts, mustard, etc.) and animal origin (e.g. milk, eggs, fish & shellfish, etc.) in all kinds...
Contact: Isabel Taverniers ILVO can detect food allergens of vegetable origin (soy, nuts, mustard, etc.) and animal origin (milk, eggs, fish and shellfish) in a variety of samples, a PCR based met...
ChicoryDry beansEdamameCalendula 2020 / 2017Chickpea(Grass)/CloverLentilsAlfalfaMiscanthusOil pumpkinRussian dandelionSoy 2020 / 2017Sorghum(grain) (fodder)Quinoa 2020 / 2017Field beanFlax
...the use of hyper- and multispectral cameras for sorting beans and estimating the composition of soybeans. Webinar: “AI in Agri-food” In this webinar we talked about the application of Artificial In...
...tsoen krijgen zonder soja. Zie voor meer informatie de publicatie Strategies to reduce reliance on soya bean meal and palm kernel meal in livestock nutrition. bron: Journal of Applied Animal Nutrit...
Soy: a miracle bean? Soybeans are one of the most important vegetable protein sources. They are used in meat substitutes, but also as animal feed and as a basis for soybean oil. But soy processors...