Search results for Potato

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Food: balanced and healthy

...iated). But how can we still see the forest for the trees? Or should we say: see the mash for the potatoes? There are a lot of questions: What is and isn’t a healthy diet, or should we speak mo...

Research projects

Smart potato storage

We target smart bulk storage of potato tubers. Smart storage means long-term storage with minimal losses by considering all influencing factors as much as possible.

News | 06/09/2023

ILVO shares its potato expertise at Potato Europe 2023

ILVO is bringing its extensive potato expertise to the largest open-air fair for potato growers. Potato Europe travels across Europe every year and this year it is descending on Tournai on September 6...

News | 16/09/2022

Potatoes as viewed by the drone: the results

On a technology test field, ILVO conducted an unusual potato-precision farming trial during the 2022 growing season. Every three days, a drone with a camera took images of the plants (and any weeds). ...

Research projects

Internet of Food and Farm 2020

... and quality of meat production, with full transparency and traceability. Another example is in potato farming, where IoT sensors can ensure that the status of the soil, the plants and the climate ...

Research projects

Climate actions with economic potential on farm

.... Currently, the three largest sectors have a climate trajector (dairy farming, arable farming with potatoes and pig farming). The climate scan shows the current climate status of the farm and poin...

Research projects

Prevention and remediation of soil compaction

...rvesters in 2020 compared to 1958) and the increased share of late-growing crops, such as maize and potatoes, in the rotation (e.g. +50% area in Belgium) make soil compaction one of the main threat...

Research projects

Agrobody-mediated crop protection

...ocuses on the research and the development of crop protection products with AgrobodiesTM to control potato blight (Phytophtora infestans) and gray mould in tomatoes (Botrytis cinerea).

Research projects

Irrigation 2.0: Which water when and where?

... developed for irrigation purposes, was calibrated and validated for three drought sensitive crops: potato, cauliflower and spinach. To help farmers find thir way to alternative water sources, ...

Research projects

Optimal spray application of plant protection products

...opment and validation of a CFD-based model that simulates spray applications for three model crops (potatoes, wheat, Brussels sprouts) as well as a flat-field weed control. As input to the model, s...

Research projects

Phytosanitary risks of newly introduced crops

...oneering growers show a growing interest in the edible tubers yacon, ulluco, batat (a kind of sweet potato), crosne, mashua, oca and the so-called "forgotten vegetable" Jerusalem artichoke. These a...

Research projects

Saline Agriculture for Adaptation

General introductionHow can crops such as potato, quinoa, tomato and New Zealand spinach be grown under saline(er) conditions, and to what extent can vertical and diagonal market development be de...

Research projects

Structured soil, climate-smart soil management

...r, both organic and conventional. Drought-sensitive crops that will be included in the research are potato and celeriac.Research approachWe take a participatory approach. We map common prac...


...ted with technology manufacturers and competence centers to test this technology on maize and potato crops. Read more >>> Wikileeks: Optimizing leek fertilization strategies Currently, lee...


... the field? Find out on this page about our project that tests this technology on maize and potato crops in collaboration with technology manufacturers and competence centers. Read more Robots for ...

A14Agriculture EN

...uired data to develop detection algorithms with Artifical Intelligence (AI). We focus on two crops: potatoes and maize. Our research on potato crops focuses on weed and disease detection (Alternari...

News | 22/09/2020

Proteins from seaweed and legume residual flows

...biofunctional and technological proteins. The current sources of these proteins are soy, cereals or potatoes (mainly imported in Europe and ecologically unsustainable). The scarcity of this type of...

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