Development of high-value meat analogs with improved texture, taste and aroma
The overall aim of this project is to improve the quality of meat analogues
The overall aim of this project is to improve the quality of meat analogues
... consumer? Can methods be developed to assess the infectivity of HEV? What is the effect of current meat processing practices on the infectivity of HEV in high-risk pork meat products? Currently th... sector. In total 33 use cases were set up in 5 sectors (arable, dairy, fruit, vegetables and meat), of which 14 were attracted halfway the project with an open call. ILVO, one of the lead part...
...a better usage of the vast amounts of data collected in a slaughterhouse, hyperspectral imaging for meat quality and the usage of sensor data to alert for pig diseases on-farm. The other demonstrat...
...Finally, it was calculated that an increase of €0.03/kg live weight in the sales price of poultry meat should compensate for the economic loss of switching from 25% thinning to no thinning.Fina...
...what conditions it is possible to provide a regime of part-time group housing for does. Since 2016, meat rabbits must be kept in enriched group parks. For the time being, however, does are kept ind...
...e determined the interactions between three elements: feed composition, quality of eggs and chicken meat respectively and the effects on nitrogen excretions in the animals. We analyzed the sustaina...
... developed for the prediction of net energy content.Relevance/ValorizationIn the rearing of meat pigs, 60-70% of the costs is due to the feed. Therefore, estimating feed quality and utiliza... efficiency than barrows (surgically castrated bears) during their growth. After slaughter, their meat quality appears to score better on average in terms of taste, compared to other bears. There...
...roduction systems (plant production for food, wood and/or biomass and animal prioduction of eggs or meat, soil and landscape, legislation, econmic feasibility,…). 2) A longitudinal experiment w...
...rowing number of consumers are prepared to pay a premium price for animal-friendly produced eggs or meat. Citizens associate access to an outdoor area with good animal welfare. On commercial outdoo...
...he market area. Therefore, we decided to focus on Brazilian production units that export broiler meat to the European market. Relevance/ValorizationBy comparing the welfare status of broile...
The aim of this project was to get insight in the meat quality variation of sire and sow lines that currently form the genetic basis of our Flemish fattening pigs.
In recent years, consumers, producers, meat processors and retailers have been paying increasing attention to animal welfare.
...lation on organic farming, cattle breeds and their needs, organic cultivation and feed, carcass and meat quality, sales market and profitability. Research approachILVO has put together a st...
The goal of KIPVANG is to catch and load meat chickens and spent laying hens for transport to the slaughterhouse in a more animal-friendly way.
... greenhouse gases and examine the manure for emissions. We verify that the product quality (milk, meat) is still guaranteed. Second, we translate this knowledge to the farm by working with our part...
...hWe have examined interspecies interactions between dominant bacterial isolates from the dairy, meat and egg processing industries. Multispecies biofilms were made in the lab with different com...
... simulated from various protein-rich raw materials to new end products in the fruit and vegetables, meat, bakery, dairy, ready meals, and the like. This unique test environment serves Flanders as w...
...hese two farm animal types we also believe a spread of knowledge and technologies to other types of meat-producing livestock can be expected, such as cattle, turkeys, or ducks.ILVO is coordinat...
...on of legumes. Legumes are known as healthy vegetable protein sources, a nutritional alternative to meat, with also a very low environmental impact, but they are not seen as equally easy in use, ta...