Search results for Manure


Soil health engine is kept running by adding stable organic matter such as farmyard manure and compost, but roots, root exudates, green cover crop residues ...


Algae: seaweed and microalgae

...ts more resistant to disease.Microalgae could also be used in manure processing to reduce emissions from digestate and other end produc...


Soil: carbon sequestration

...nd on the field or indirectly via external organic material such as animal manure, compost, wood chips, etc. Through soil life, this fresh organic ...


Water in agriculture examples of businesses that want to purify the liquid fraction of manure to irrigate grassland.Which agricultural sectors consume the most water...


Precision livestock farming

...lso increasing on dairy farms, and includes things like milking robots and manure robots. But sensors are also used, such as pedometers for draft d...


Soil improvement with organic fertilizers

...s Organic residue streams are also created on farms. In addition to animal manure, there are crop residues, such as cleaning waste at vegetable gro...



... ammonia (NH3) emissions. The main sources of ammonia emissions are barns, manure storage, field application of manure, and manure processing. Ammo...

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