Search results for Industrial crops
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Marketing and product quality as keys to success of marigold cultivation
Development of a sustainable control strategy for pathogens on flax
Aroma-roots : aromatic root crops for the bio-economy
High-value products from flaxseed through innovative biocatalytic technologies
Inoculation of local lignocellulosic materials for the production of sustainable growing media
Flax cultivation gets monitoring tool based on satellite imagery
High-quality oils grown locally offer opportunities in bio-based economy
Agroforestry with trees rows favorable for soil quality and beneficial bugs. Total biomass yield positive.
How can we accelerate the switch from a fossil economy to a bioeconomy?
Koudetolerante miscanthus levert grotere biomassaopbrengst
Booklet "ILVO Seeds"
VIB field trial with maize variety to investigate drought tolerance in practice
Persistent soil compaction under arable fields and grasslands
A new market for by-products of Belgian endive, endive and radicchio
EU project on plant-based cosmetics ingredients with scientifically proven effects
Less bitter Belgian endive and chicory by switching off the "bitter genes" using CRISPR/Cas9 technology.
Climate change brings new crops to Flanders
ILVO harvests rubber-containing dandelion: a win-win for agriculture and industry?
Making F1 hybrids more efficient in chicory: a stepping stone to higher inulin production
With 'hairy roots', have scientists found a key to making plants more climate-robust?
...ose and apple as model plants for woody plants, and sunflower as a model plant for agricultural and industrial crops. For apple and rose, RootsPlus poses a second research question: can bacteri...