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..., the food industry, retail, etc. – the researchers hope to promote the development of local supply, packaging, sorting, processing, and marketing chains. Profitable cultivation? Before qui...


Short chain the short chain, ILVO also conducts research into numerous other business models and hopes to ensure livelihood security and a stable income for farmers and growers. What is meant by innovat...



.... Culture shift about desealing The findings are tested in various consultations and workshops with farmers, experts and policy makers. This will allow a supported approach to spatial softe...


Animal welfare

...o more prospects due to illness or weakness, they should be killed as humanely as possible to avoid hopeless and needlessly long suffering. But how do you do that best? The European Regulation 1099...


Authenticity of food products

... Which expertises does ILVO offer? Variety- and species authenticity in plant crops (grass, hop) In addition to morphological determination, ILVO has DNA-based techniques to distinguish...


Protein diversification in food and nutrition

...proteins, there are other alternative sources of protein. For example, certain insects such as grasshoppers, crickets and mealworms can be a rich source of protein, or (micro)algae. But microbial p...

Demoruimte en workshops

...testen doen met hun klanten in een B2B relatie. Op regelmatige basis organiseert de Food Pilot workshops waarin technologieën diepgaand worden toegelicht en gedemonstreerd. Eigen technologieën kome...

Melkvee Picknick - Online Workshops

...line info-event voor melkveehouders. Geen klassieke studiedag deze keer, maar wel online video-workshops rond concrete thema's uit de praktijk met digitale interactie. Volg vanop de eerste rij en w...

Workshop Jongvee-opfok - Zoetis

Workshop Dierenartsen - Zoetis Een geslaagde jongvee-opfok De opfokkost van jongvee isaanzienlijkop een modern melkveebedrijf en weegt zwaar door inhet economisch bedrijfsresultaat. Een geslaagde en e...

Research projects

ERA-NET Cofund on Sustainable Crop Production

...twork. This meant e.g. dissemination of the cofunded call and its research results. In 2019, a workshop was orchestrated regarding methods for assessing sustainability and resilience. ILVO was also...

Research projects

Garden 5.0

...roject (now ended) was to prepare the next generation of scientists and citizens to learn about and hopefully address the aforementioned challenges in the agri-food system. Research approach

Research projects

Detection and valorisation of pork with boartaint

...r>Research approachConsumer sensitivity to androstenone is tested on >1500 consumers in six shopping centres in Flanders. We investigate associations between androstenone-sensitivity and soc...

Research projects

Opportunities for controlled drainage in Flanders

...h by the project team and by farmers of the target farms, through demonstration activities and workshops.Relevance/ValorizationThe results of OP-PEIL will lead to increased applicability of...

Research projects

Connecting Humans in the Agrifood INdustry

...ation, where data flows better and more efficiently through the entire chain. But employees on the shop floors are not always skilled and trained to create and maintain such chain collaborations. T...

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