Sustainable storage of grains by implementing a novel protectant and and versatile application technology
This European project aims to store grains in a sustainable way with minimal post-harvest losses by preventing insect infestations.
This European project aims to store grains in a sustainable way with minimal post-harvest losses by preventing insect infestations.
...ility, making them a promising alternative protein and energy source for dairy cattle. Urea-treated grains, as an alternative feed, require further research for definitive conclusions. Rumen-protec...
...roteins from underutilized residual streams. The current origin of the proteins in question is soy, grains or potatoes. In other words, they are often either imported and/or less ecologically susta...
Can ancient grain varieties be used to create a sustainable new chain from farmer to processor when those grains are grown agroecologically and processed directly by a local baker?