Search results for Grains
Seeding drone, weeding robot and eager-to-learn farmers at 5th agroecology field demonstration
... early germination without disturbing the soil." Strips of field bean, pea, red kidney bean and grains Still notable is a trial of legumes and grains in strip cropping. Field bean, pea and...
Climate change brings new crops to Flanders
...periods, we need to grow plants that can stand up to changing conditions. Farmers therefore sow the grains, corn or potatoes that performed best in recent, often dry, years. There are also new crop...
ILVO BLOGS: growing agroecological baking wheat at the Experimental Platform for Agroecology in Hansbeke
Growing grains without fertilizer? The grain on PPAE gets its nitrogen not from fertilizer, but from a reserve of nitrogen that the previous crop has built up in the soil. On PHAE, that crop is gr...
Quinoa, soy, chickpea, dry beans...and the parched field of 2022: results
...ture in the soil despite the drought. This year, due to the absence of late summer rain, the quinoa grains are lighter in color, which is beneficial for quality. ILVO is breeding quinoa to bett...
Which farm animals live off more human edible protein than they consume? Edible protein efficiency of Belgian livestock systems calculated for the first time
...pigs and poultry are net producers of edible protein. For cattle this is less of a factor, as grains do not play a major role in cattle rations.We had another second calculation made to inc...
ILVO BLOGS from the Experimental Platform for Agroecology in Hansbeke: Successful mechanical weeding in a mixed crop
Green Deal Protein Shift aims for sustainable dietary patterns
...insects, milk and milk products, eggs), microbial (fungi, bacteria and microalgae) or plant origin (grains, legumes, nuts, seeds). One of the major challenges for our diet is to improve the ratio b...
ILVO BLOGS from the Experimental Platform for Agroecology in Hansbeke: Sowing wheat with minimal tillage and no plowing
Making F1 hybrids more efficient in chicory: a stepping stone to higher inulin production
... CMS after temperature shock in various lines was mapped. Several lines produced fertile pollen grains 12 to 17 days after the heat shock, indicating that this type of CMS is not always stable and ...